Cover Kid Advice & Details
Here’s how it works: We choose our cover kids from our own annual Cover Kid Contest, searching for kids ages 12 and younger. This is the way to land a cover spot in our magazine. Why? Because Atlanta is home to many adorable kiddos, and this is the best way for us to narrow the search.
How to get started: Choose the cutest picture you have of your kid. We really like pictures where we can see your child’s face and hair, keep lighting in mind too.
Ready to enter: Visit kids to submit digitally or to download the mail in entry form. Consider entering our group category, a great opportunity to submit that cute daddy-daughter picture. Payment options will appear at the end of the submission process. $25 entry fee or $45 group entry fee, per photo.
What’s next: After May 23, we narrow our group of winners to 50 finalists. Finalists are contacted by email and posted online and must be available for the finalists meet & greet. These 50 are invited to a meet and greet with judges in mid-July. Plus finalists will participate in an informal photo-shoot that day with opportunities to appear inside the magazine. Finally, four winners are chosen to appear on an Atlanta Parent cover. Winners will be picked from all entries and not age or group categories.
To enter, you must be at least 18 years of age and live within the 14 metro-Atlanta counties. Atlanta Parent company employees and their immediate family members are not eligible. Immediate family includes only spouses, parents and children.
Advice from one parent to another: What was the best part about the contest?
“Kruz was in shock! He couldn’t believe that he was on the cover of ALL of those magazines. The best part for him was giving away ‘autographed’ copies to his family, friends and teachers.”
Peaches, Mom of Kruz Mendoza, Cover Kid May 2015.
“Seeing how my daughter realized her beauty, both inside and out. It gave her a renewed sense of confidence. The positive reaction she received from family, friends, teachers, and classmates was priceless.”
Kim, Mom of Kamryn Washington, Cover Kid February 2014.
“The opportunity to be part of such a great magazine which has so much to offer to Atlanta!”
Lilian, Mom of Santiago & Oksana Caruso, Cover Kids April 2016.
“It shows kids that anyone can compete in it and win … you don’t have to be a model, you just have to be a kid!! It gave her confidence in herself.”
Mary Jo, Mom of Katelyn Vetro, Cover Kid January 2016.
“Kristina absolutely loved being on the magazine. She was quite the star at her day care.”
Kathy, Mom of Kristina Oubre, Cover Kid March 2015.
“It’s FUN! It is great to have as a keepsake and wonderful to send to family and friends.”
Pamela, Mom of Boston VanBelle, Cover Kid January 2015.
Inappropriate Content
Obscene, provocative or otherwise questionable content will not be considered. We retain sole discretion as to what constitutes inappropriate content.
By entering the contest, entrants agree to have their submitted name displayed in our magazine and website and used by us for any purpose, at any time, without any fee or other form of compensation. We reserve the right to disqualify users, without notice, and for any reason.
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