Sounding Off
Sonic Sensation Exhibit at The Children's Museum of Atlanta
Though our visit to The Children’s Museum’s Sonic Sensation exhibit was all about sound, it was an eye-opener for my kids. They learned firsthand that sound can make movement, and that they can measure sound in ways they can see.
At the Seeing Sound station, a clear capsule housed small rubber pellets. My 7-year-old son Andrew slid a knob back and forth to change the frequency of sound to create vibrations that made the pellets dance. “I didn’t know sound could make things move,” he said.
In the Measuring Sound station, we tapped notes on a xylophone and heard the variations in sounds and note tones. When my 3-year-old son Brycen and his big brother played the keys, we could see the power of the sound measured in peaks and valleys on a monitor.
The Invisible Orchestra play area lets visitors step on a piano that looks like a floor rug to make sound. Waving hands in the air triggers motion sensors that also make sounds. Most exciting for the kids was being able to watch themselves perform on a video screen. Brycen enjoyed just making noise, while Andrew was able to play some simple songs. I danced on the floor piano as well, feeling a bit like Tom Hanks in the movie Big.
In the Critters in a Cupboard section, one person can hide a wooden picture of an animal, like a cat or a grasshopper, for another person to find just by tracking the creatures’ sounds.
The biggest hit with my boys, however, was the soundproof Scream Chamber. It looks like a tall closet, with a door that shuts. We had a scream contest! I went in alone and let it all out. When I came out, Andrew told me the decibel level I hit, displayed on a monitor outside the chamber. Then he went in and did his best. We compared our scores to see who could provide the biggest sound. My boys were thrilled to have permission to scream (without bothering anyone else).
Learning the variety of ways we can interact with sound made for an educational and (happily) noisy visit.
– LaKeisha Fleming
If You Go
Sonic Sensation Exhibit
The Children’s Museum of Atlanta. 275 Centennial Olympic Park Dr.,
Atlanta. 404-659-5437;
Hours: Through June 1. Mon.-Tues. and Thurs.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat.-Sun., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Wednesdays.
Cost: $12.75, younger than 1, free.
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