Say “Cheese” Flowers
By Atlanta Parent Editorial . June 2, 2014
Nothing makes a parent more proud than having pictures of their children displayed around the house so that friends and neighbors can fawn over them. This fun craft gives you a creative way to display a photo of your child and their artistic talent.
What you will need:
Various colors of card stock or recycled cardboard scraps (e.g., cereal or cracker boxes), cut into flower shapes
Crayons or markers
Small photo of child
Green pipe cleaners
Clear tape
Card stock, 1 full sheet
Before letting your child begin, cut card stock into 4” x 4” flower shapes.
Decorate at least three or four flower shapes with crayons or markers. After you are finished with this, choose one of the flowers, and glue the photo in the center. Tape green pipe cleaners to the backs of the flowers to create stems. Then decorate a whole sheet of card stock with crayons or markers and roll the piece of card stock into a funnel shape to create a bouquet. Secure with clear tape. As you create more flowers, place them inside the card stock funnel to add to the beautiful bouquet. Be sure that your photo is clearly visible.
Helpful Hints:
Use a large flower-shaped cookie cutter as a stencil for creating the flower shapes
Instead of card stock you can also use index cards, poster board, or cardboard scraps for the flowers
Taken From: 101 Great Gifts Kids Can Make by Stephanie Mueller and Ann Wheeler, ISBN 978-0-87659-414-8, is reprinted with permission from Gryphon House, Inc., P. O. Box 10, 6848 Leon’s Way, Lewisville, NC 27023. (800) 638-0928.
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