Yoga Books for Kids
By Atlanta Parent Editorial . April 13, 2016
Yoga Pretzels by Tara Guber and Leah Kalish (Barefoot Books, $14.99)
With quirky illustrations of happy humans in pretzel-like shapes, this stack of 50 flashcards offers a playful way to teach and learn yoga. Also see the related book by the Baron Baptiste, My Daddy is a Pretzel.
Yoga Games for Children by Danielle Bersma and Marjoke Visscher (Hunter House Books, $14.95)
This book is filled with breathing tips, kid-friendly postures and educational games to build a child’s self-esteem and creativity.
ABCs of Yoga for Kids by Teresa Power (Stafford House, $19.95)
From the “doggie” pose to “shark” pose and all the animals in between, this book is made especially for the child’s imagination. Great for yoga beginners.