Watering Can Planter
By Atlanta Parent Editorial . June 2, 2014
Give your child the opportunity to be a gardener with this homemade flower planter. Together, you can dig up dirt in your yard to begin preparing this “mini garden.” Who knows – this activity may be only be the beginning. Your son or daughter may love having green thumbs from here on out!
What you need:
Large liquid laundry detergent jug
Sharp scissors or utility knife (for adult use only)
Non-toxic permanent markers
Seeds for flowers, herbs or other plants
Hole punch
Cut off the top portion of the jug, cutting along the top ridge and just above the handle. Soak the bottle in water to remove any labels. Next, ask your child to decorate the outside of the jug using with markers or other art supplies to create colorful pictures and designs. Fill the jug with dirt and plant flowers or seeds inside. Everyone will be impressed with of your child’s beautiful creation.
Helpful hints:
Save cut-off tops for funnels to use in sand and water play
A utility knife works well for cutting off bottle tops, but be careful! (For adult use only.)
Use Teflon scrapers or scrub brushes to remove residue from labels. This is best to do outside in a tub of water.
Source: Adapted from an activity in 101 Great Gifts Kids Can Make by Stephanie Mueller and Ann Wheeler; reprinted with permission from Gryphon House, Inc., P. O. Box 10, 6848 Leon’s Way, Lewisville, NC, 27023. 800- 638-0928.
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