Children love YouTube Kids. After all, it’s got videos about the things they like, some of them even by kids. And for the most part, the content is safe (although parents should follow these guidelines when allowing children to watch YouTube Kids). But being safe for kids doesn’t necessarily mean all the channels are educational. So how do you steer your kids towards YouTube channels that both educate and entertain? Check out these seven stations; we think they meet the criteria for making everybody happy.

Art for Kids Hub

Art for Kids Hub

Most kids love art and drawing, but they aren’t necessarily good at it. On this YouTube channel, a family of six teaches kids how to draw. In their step-by-step, fun tutorials they show children how to draw things like Emojis, animals, Pokémon characters and My Little Pony. The best part? They have a new lesson every weekday.

Baby Einstein

The under 4 set goes gaga for these videos, especially the Baby Mozart Music Festival. Little ones watch random pictures of toys spinning, puppets acting silly and fruit just floating, all while listening to classical music.


Yes, this is the kid-version of the TED talks that inspire adults. But instead of people giving talks, these are short, animated videos that aim to teach kids (best for ages 8 and up) about a variety of topics. TED-Ed videos explore topics like why we have tears, why the world isn’t covered in poop, and how to make your writing suspenseful. These videos are great for kids to watch on their own, but also for parents to watch with kids. (You might learn a thing or three, too).

Rosanna Pansino

Young foodies gravitate to this YouTube channel, where perky baker Rosanna Pansino teaches kids how to bake. The difference between this channel and a regular old cooking show is that Pansino does it all on kid-level. She acts silly, makes everything in fast forward and the best–wears costumes. She even takes kids’ requests for things to bake. It’s no wonder she has more than 10 million subscribers.

The Brain Scoop

Emily Grasile has the best job ever as Chief Curiosity Correspondent at The Field Museum in Chicago. Her upbeat videos cover topics like dinosaurs, artists, parasites, animals and rocks–pretty much everything kids love.

Khan Academy Early Math

You may recognize Khan Academy for its videos on tougher topics like AP macroeconomics. But did you know they also have a channel for early math? They cover things like basic subtraction and measurement. Okay, these videos aren’t super entertaining, but they are short, simple and do an excellent job of helping kids visualize and understand math.

Storybook Nanny

This is the next best thing to parents reading aloud to their kids. The Storybook Nanny reads kids’ books (favorites like “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and “Harry the Dirty Dog”) while the camera pans over the pages of the books. Kids love the soothing voice and, of course, the kid-friendly stories.

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