Good Stuff – October
Foster a dog for the day
Are your kids begging for a puppy? Teach them responsibility and give a dog some time outside of the shelter at the same time. This program by LifeLine Animal Project is available at Fulton and DeKalb Animal Services. After a short orientation, you can borrow a dog for the day. Ask about borrowing a pet for a slumber party as well. Visit for more information.
Easy toy clean up
Kids hate cleaning up their messes of Legos, blocks, cars, Polly Pockets and more. This scooper can make cleaning fun and easy. The Toydozer resembles the blade of a bulldozer, and is used to help gather toys scattered on the floor, guiding them into the scoop. Available at for $18.99.
Learn with familiar faces
Have fun teaching your child the most important people, places and things in their life with the custom mini book of names and faces. Just upload your photos and type in your desired text before ordering. Available at for $39.99.
Prevent water burns
Temperature controlled faucet lights turn water “red” when hot, and “blue” when cold. They can prevent accidental burns from hot water, and your kids will love how the water lights up in different colors. Our pick is available at for $21.95 and other versions on
Kids can design clothing
This company lets your children draw exactly what they want to wear, then it is made into a piece of clothing. Print out the dress design sheet and let your child’s imagination go wild, then send the design in to be made into a dress. Available at for $49.
Student Pop-Up Show
Young, aspiring artists can have their work hung in the High Museum’s Pop-Up show from Oct. 1-23. Pre-school through 12th-grade students should submit their artwork 10 a.m.-noon on Oct. 1. Those who submit artwork will receive free admission to the High for themselves and their families on Oct. 1 and Oct. 23. 1280 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta. 404-733-4400.
Pokemon Go Plus
This new wearable device alerts Pokemon Go players when a PokeStop or Pokemon is near – eliminating the need to stare at your phone when playing the game. The device can be worn on a belt, in a pocket or strapped on your wrist like a watch. Available for $35, but it may currently be in short supply – Amazon has priced it at $99. Available for iPhone and Android.
Serve with your family
Hands on Atlanta hosts Family Service Saturdays for families with children 5-12. Each month the project changes to expose young volunteers to different community needs like hunger and homelessness. Visit for more information. Upcoming dates: Oct. 22 and Nov. 19.