For babies, crying is the only way they can communicate what they need. Instead of thinking that your baby is in distress when crying, remember that this is your baby’s way of telling you, “Hey, mom, I need my diaper changed!” or “Hey mom, I’m hungry!” But what if it is something else?

To eliminate the guesswork in understanding a newborn’s cries, we asked Dr. Smita Malhotra, a respected pediatrician and mom of two, for three essential newborn tips all parents need to consider when it comes to decoding what their baby needs.

1. Is it Colic or Gas?

“If your baby is crying for three hours a day, at least three days per week, then it could be colic,” Dr. Malhotra says. “One in five babies get colic, including both my kids. Most babies outgrow colic by four months. But it can bring you to your knees with frustration, and those four months can feel like ten years.”

Dr. Malhotra suggests using Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water for babies two weeks and older, made with organic ginger and fennel to ease stomach troubles and fussiness associated with gas and colic.

Gas can also cause a newborn to cry a lot, and the good news is that it’s pretty easy to treat. Although every baby is different, Dr. Malhotra recommends trying some gas relief medicine such as Mommy’s Bliss Baby Gas Relief Drops to break up gas bubbles in the baby’s stomach.

2. Is My Baby’s Poop Normal?

If you’re obsessed with how much your baby is pooping or the color of the poop, you are not alone! Dr. Malhotra says that if you exclusively breastfeed your baby, the poop will be yellow and seedy like mustard but if you’re feeding your baby formula, the poop can be a variety of colors: from yellow to tan to brown and even green. All of these are normal, but one thing to note is that if your baby’s poop is constantly green or white, then you should check with your pediatrician.

“Babies can poop every day, every other day, or even every three days – that’s all normal. But one thing we don’t want is for babies to be straining to poop—you’ll often hear them grunting—that means they’re constipated,” say Dr. Malhotra. “If your baby is six months or older, consider trying a gentle formula with no harsh laxatives such as Mommy’s Bliss Baby Constipation Ease to help your baby be successful.”

The good news is that around three months, your baby’s poop will become more consistent, and you can stop obsessing so much about what’s in their diaper.

3. How Do I Know if My Baby is Teething?

Usually, babies don’t start teething until they’re around six months old. “A few of the common signs are fussiness, an increase in saliva, and constantly putting their hands—or anything —in their mouths,” Dr. Malhotra says.

If you think your child is teething, Dr. Malhotra recommends giving their little gums a massage or provide them with something cold to “chew” on to help soothe the pain. For little ones two months or older, consider administering a gum massage gel such as Mommy’s Bliss’s Organic Little Gums Massage Gel, made with USDA certified organic chamomile and vanilla.

“One thing to watch out for is a fever. Some people think a fever is a sign of teething, but it’s not. If your baby is fussy and has a fever, it could be a sign of illness or infection. It’s best to check in with your pediatrician,” Dr. Malhotra says.

As a new parent, it is natural to be hyperaware of your baby’s cries, which is why it’s crucial to have the best quality essentials at home so you can promptly address anything that comes your way. To bring you happy cries of relief, visit to get  $3.00 off on any (1) Mommy’s Bliss Baby Essentials product.

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