Getting Ready to Write
Crawling strengthens and develops muscles critical to early fine motor foundations.
Toddlers and Preschoolers:
Engage children in lots of (safe) scissor practice, Play-Doh pounding and molding, pipe cleaner creations, finger plays, lacing and beading toys, scribbling, and tweezer counting games. Many preschool board games help fine motor development, such as the Sneaky Snacky Squirrel and Willy’s Wiggly Web.
Preschool, Kindergarten, and Early Elementary Students:
Because a child’s corticospinal tract (which connects the brain to the fingers) is not fully developed until age 10 or later, it’s important to focus on core strength, motor skill development, and keep practicing handwriting throughout the elementary years. Several activities that can assist include games such as Operation, Jacks, and Pick-up Sticks; and outdoor activities like climbing walls or most playground equipment.