Bubble Tricks to Try with Your Kids
Predictable Pops: Amaze your friends as you predict which bubble will pop first. Blow a bubble and watch the top of it closely. When a black band begins to form on top of the bubble, it’s ready to pop. Blow a stream of bubbles, and announce which one will pop first.
Create Bubble Art: This messy art project is sure to craft some interesting pieces. You need:
Tempera or poster paint in 3-4 colors
White construction paper
Bubble solution
Bubble wand or drinking straw
3-4 small containers
A teaspoon and a cup
Pour one cup of bubble solution into each of the four containers. Add one teaspoon of paint to each container. Stir gently. With a partner, take turns blowing bubbles with a straw or wand. Your partner will catch the bubbles on a piece of paper, creating brightly colored splotches.
– Sarah E. King