Biking the Silver Comet Trail
The Silver Comet Trail is a 12-foot-wide concrete path for walkers, runners, skaters and cyclists. It starts in Smyrna and extends 61 miles to the Alabama state line.
We enjoy biking it as a family because it is great exercise and we love being outdoors. The ride is easy because of the flat terrain. Our 7-year-old daughter has biked over 25 miles on one outing, albeit at a slower pace than the spandex-clad racers! The path is shady for the most part, which makes for a comfortable ride even when it’s hot.
Marker zero on the trail is at Mavell Rd., 13 miles northwest of Atlanta. Rambo Rd. is another good place to start. From there you can travel west toward Rockmart. About 8.7 miles away you go through an 800-foot turn-of-the-century railroad tunnel. The kids love it!
Another good starting point is Coot’s Lake. From there you can ride toward Rockmart, about 11.3 miles one-way. The trail runs through forests and cuts through large hills with impressive rock formations.
One of our favorite breaks is at mile marker 9.4, Sailors Parkway. Our daughter loves getting off the trail to visit the local DQ (less than a mile from the path).
For more information, visit
– Rosana Lassing