Secrets From the Parenting Trenches
Raising two little boys to develop into responsible, generous, and kind young men is a daily work in progress. Let me share some secrets I’ve learned in the past eight years.
by Christa Melnyk Hines
Take walks with your child. Walking side-by-side encourages conversation.
Teach your child that it’s perfectly acceptable to spend a little time alone to brood, create, read, pray and rest.
Parent time-outs can help you remain calm and collected in a heated moment.
Pursuing personal interests teaches your children that care-taking is only one of your roles.
Follow your instincts. The pediatrician isn’t always right. Find a new one if he or she is condescending.
Counting together backwards from 20 helps an upset child (and parent) calm down.
Scheduling time just for you isn’t selfish. Self-care makes you a better parent.
Boys and girls think it’s fun to sneak up and scare you. But if they truly catch you unprepared and you scream, you might make them cry.
Forgive yourself. Parenting is tough and sometimes you do and say the wrong thing.
Every child has the potential to change the world. Your child already changed yours.
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