Let’s Party: A Very Hungry Caterpillar
By Atlanta Parent Editorial . August 30, 2016
A Very Hungry Caterpillar
Food: Cupcakes and layer cake arranged to look like a caterpillar and finger foods that the caterpillar ate in the book. Add signs with the words from each page to label the foods.
Décor: Green paper lanterns lined up like a caterpillar hanging above and pictures of your child up to that age in circle cut-outs.
Game: Cut-out of the caterpillar’s face and fake plastic fruit. Let the kids toss the fruit in the mouth.
Party Favor: Bug catcher with gummy worms inside for a snack. Use later to catch caterpillars or other critters.
Source: karaspartyideas.com; alittlepinchofperfect.com
Click here for Over the Rainbow Party