Have a Successful Summer
by Beth N. Davis
Days full of fun and sunshine. Evenings filled with fireflies and s’mores. Whether your children are in camp while you work, home with you or engaged in a combination of activities, the ultimate success of the season falls to you. These tips will help you get started.
Set Goals
The potential to fritter away long, hot, lazy days is incredibly tempting and the time will fly by if you don’t set goals. Whether you have one child or five, be sure to sit down with each one to discuss their ideas as well as your expectations for the summer. Set three to five goals for each member of your family and be sure to check progress weekly.
Change House Rules
Whether your kids are in camp or at home, it’s time to reboot your house rules. Account for things like bedtimes for younger kids, whether older children are allowed to have friends over while you are out and any chores the kids are expected to do. All responsible parties, your spouse and any supplemental child care, should be aware of the expectations and rules.
Prepare for Projects
When you plan to teach your 5-year-old to swim or produce a scale model of the Eifel Tower out of popsicle sticks with your seventh-grader, you have to have the materials and the know- how to get it done. When setting your goals and planning activities, be sure that you know what it will take to meet each goal.
Shop Once a Week
Sit down and make a schedule of all of the activities, projects, playdates, chores and obligations you have for a given week. Make up a meal plan that flows with your schedule and figure out what you need from which stores. Once you have your list, choose the most convenient day for your errands and knock them out in one morning or afternoon. Once you’ve done the front end work, be sure to stick with your plan as best you can. This strategy will save you time, money and the frustration of being out of popsicle sticks when you go to construct that Eifel Tower.
Organize to Fit Your Needs
Do an inventory check for day-to-day needs and if you’re missing items, put them on your shopping list. Gather things that will be used together into a central location and be sure that the essentials are at hand and easy to retrieve. Set things up so that the kids can help themselves as much as possible. It may be summer, but you are not their servant.
Team Up With Child Care
If you are home with your kids in summer, chances are you’re going to need a break. Talk to other moms in your community, particularly the ones who have children of similar ages, and see if you can set up a kid swap. You watch their kids for an afternoon and they return the favor. No babysitter costs and you can do your errands in peace.
Take Personal Days
If you work full time outside of the home, be sure to take a few personal days to spend with your family. Use the time to go on a vacation, do a day trip with the kids or just hang around the house.
Reassess Weekly
Making a plan is only the first step in having a successful summer. The most important step is to reassess what you’re doing each week and make sure that you change the things that are causing you and your family problems. If rain washed out three of your planned pool days last week, make a backup plan for this week.