Do-it-Yourself Halloween Decor
You’ll have the coolest house on the block with these fun DIY ideas – best of all, the kids can help you create.
Ghost Gourds
Purchase a few dried gourds from a local gardening store. Spray paint the gourds white and let dry, or let the kids paint them white with acrylic paint. Paint faces with black acrylic paint and get creative with different expressions. Cut squares of cheesecloth and hang over the gourds to create a ghost effect.
Floating Witches’ Hats
These whimsical hats scream Harry Potter or other wizard magic. They’re also luminaries, so they look great at night. Purchase black witch hats from your local party store or online. You will also need fishing line, a long needle, safety pins, glow sticks and removable hooks. Stick hooks to the ceiling where you want the hats to hang. Using the needle, string 2-3 feet of fishing line through the point of the hat. Replace needle with a safety pin and attach a glow stick to the inside of the hat. Use the remaining fishing line to attach the hats to the hooks and let hang. Visitors will think you’re using magic!
Trash Bag Spider Webs
Purchase large black trash bags or gather some from your house. Cut the trash bag in half to make two squares. Use each square to make one spider web. Fold in half diagonally to make a triangle, and keep folding two more times to make a smaller triangle. Secure with tape and start cutting “branches” away from the triangle. Extend this line to the top. Unfold and hang to make the web.
Yarn Spider Web
This one is a spooky pick when visitors approach your front door. Cut a piece of temporary Velcro and attach one side to the surface of your porch. Place your black yarn on top of it and attach the top layer of Velcro to that. Create a knot on top of the Velcro with the yarn to secure in place. After attaching the bottom or anchor web, place another piece of yarn in the middle of it. Take that yarn and go directly up to the corner. Attach with Velcro. For the supporting or radial webs, you can create them several different ways: knot the yarn and then weave over and under each radial yarn; attach the yarn to each radial web and place a knot; or attach yarn using a glue gun.