The excitement of “school’s out!” and the prospect of long summer days quickly gives way to “I’m bored!” These activities and will  inspire creative fun and keep the kids engaged.

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Fossil Dig

Remember when you went on fossil digs all the time as a kid? Create the same fun experience for your own kids to make a long summer day fun and exciting.
What you need:
A small plastic children’s swimming
pool or sandbox
Playground sand
Plaster of Paris
Fossil molds (you create)
Small paintbrushes and plastic
shovels for digging
First, create your “fossils” using the Plaster of Paris. To create dinosaur tracks, take plastic animals and make footprints in the plaster. You can even use seashells to make fossils. Many local hobby stores have mold kits you can buy that will provide you with several shapes such as fish, dinosaur bones and leaves. For younger children, paint the molds so they are easier to find. Place the swimming pool or sand box in the shade and fill with sand. Hide the fossils; some may be hidden when you first begin to pour the sand so that it makes it more fun and challenging. For some fun and learning before the dig, teach your children about a few of your favorite dinosaurs by showing them pictures or even watching a movie such as Disney’s “Dinosaur.” Now, let the dig begin!

Pool Noodle Race Track

Buy an extra large diameter foam pool noodle. Cut the noodle in half lengthwise with a serrated knife (one side then the other side or use an electric knife to cut straight through both sides). Place the halves on the ground side by side. Insert toothpicks where the two halves of the foam noodles touch each other; use as many toothpicks as needed to hold the noodle tracks tight together.
Decorate the track, using cardstock and toothpicks to create small flags for along the sides. Create “start” and “finish” signs with cardstock;  tape or glue the signs to wooden skewers and insert them into the foam at the beginning and end of the track. Prop the track up on a chair or table – the higher the angle, the faster your matchbox cars will go.

Thrifty DIY Kids Sandbox

Sandbox materials:
1 underbed storage box
Sand toys
Warm weather
Pour the sand in the storage box, and just add kids and toys.

Chalk Dress-up Dolls

Most of us have used sidewalk chalk for hopscotch and other games, or to draw original art.  Here’s a fun and creative idea that combines chalk and paper dolls.  Have your child lie on the sidewalk or driveway and draw an outline around his body. Let your child give his chalk figure some hair and a face, then dress the creation like a paper doll, using kids’ clothing. Try a dress, a leotard, shorts and tops, even shoes. Clean-up is easy – just toss the clothes in the laundry.

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