A to Zen for Dads
Easy Ways for the Man in Your Life to Feel More Peace
by Sue LeBreton
Dads are more stressed than ever. If they do not take time for self-care their health can suffer and so may your relationship. Here are some easy ways to encourage the man in your life to find some Zen. You could kick off your efforts on a special occasion like Father’s Day, but think about adding these practices into your lives for the longer term.
Ask him what chore you could assume for one day or one week that would give him some breathing room. Maybe you can swap your least favorite chores and both feel relief.
Bond with buddies. New research from the UK shows that men’s health improves by regularly hanging out with their buddies, so encourage him to reconnect if he has lost touch.
Compliment him regularly. Remark on everything from his appearance to his parenting or other skills that you admire.
Daily movement is crucial to long-term health. If he is not already active, suggest an activity and join him for just 10 minutes to start. If he is already moving, can he add 10 minutes to his existing routine?
Electronic overload can drain Dad’s joy and serenity. Encourage him to deposit his phone in a technology basket when he arrives home.
Fondue for dinner. This method of cooking lends itself to lingering and long conversations so plan a fondue for two after the kids are tucked in.
Gum chewing is not just for kids. In addition to freshening breath, gum chewing can improve concentration and reduce anxiety.
Hydrate your hubby. Encourage him to drink more water by buying him a nice bottle to take to work. A hydrated body is energetic and more alert.
Interests in common are a great way to share stress relief and build intimacy. Be adventuresome and find new activities to sample.
Jokes never get tired if the man in your life enjoys a good laugh or prank. I suggest The Encyclopedia of Immaturity so he never runs out of ideas. He will laugh even if he only reads about the stunts.
Kiss frequently because it’s good for both of you. Kissing releases feel good hormones, boosts self esteem and may even reduce blood pressure. Try to make kissing each other hello and goodbye a ritual.
Laughter is good for whatever ails him, so book a date night out to a local comedy club, rent – or better still, go to see a funny movie.
Massage never fails to rid the body of stress and toxins. Encourage him to try a variety of styles until he finds one that is right for him. Consider booking a couples’ massage or taking a class so you can practice at home.
Nose his way into relaxation. Investigate aromatherapy to reduce stress, headache, insomnia or fatigue. He may wonder why he feels better when you have infused the room with lavender.
Out with the worry. Encourage him to keep a journal or simply list worries to release them before bed so that sleep is more serene.
Print off this list so he has a reminder to practice self-care because he is loved.
Quiet is relaxing and an antidote to our stimulating world. Perhaps Dad needs some earphones so he can escape into calm without having to shush another’s fun.
Regular dates with you. Book them into the calendar to be sure they happen and download a reminder app to keep you both on track.
Sound vibrations affect every cell in the body so encourage your hubby to surround himself with music that makes him feel good. He can make an invigorating choice on the way to work and a soothing one on the way home.
Tense and release muscles for complete relaxation. Look online for guided progressive relaxation to learn the technique. It’s simple, yet effective.
United parental fronts are important for children to see and bonds you as a couple. Negotiate behind the scenes so you both feel supported.
Video games may be an outlet for him to burn off frustration. Don’t knock it until you have tried it.
Walking is still one of the best and easiest exercises. Go for a walk as a family, hold hands and remember why you fell in love. Studies show walking also is good for problem solving – the solution to a nagging concern may be a stroll away.
eXtreme fun. What is the most delightful activity he could do right now? Encourage him to do it.
Yoga is not just for women. Look for a special class for men or try a DVD at home. Stretching his body is even good for his arteries. Remind him you want him to be around for a very long time.
Zzzs Encourage quality sleep by showing him the research that back-lit devices impact the ability to fall asleep and should be avoided 30-90 minutes before bed – that includes phones, tablets, laptops and TVs.