Mill Springs Academy

13660 New Providence Road, Alpharetta
Phone: 770-360-1336

Mill Springs Academy is an SACS/SAIS accredited college preparatory, independent school community dedicated to the academic, physical and social growth of those students who have not realized their full potential in the traditional classroom setting. Since 1981 Mill Springs has been supporting student learning by raising expectations and developing self motivation, while providing skills and values for life. The school is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization governed by a board of trustees.

The population consists of average to superior ability students in grades 1-12. Small classes and an individualized curriculum help them to capitalize on their strengths while learning compensatory strategies. Mill Springs offers abroad range of college preparatory and fine arts options, along with college placement support. A variety of sports and an extended day program are also available. In the summer months, summer school, summer camp and sport workshops are offered.

The 85-acre campus is nestled in the beautiful rolling hills and pasture land of Alpharetta. Mill Springs is a participant of the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship program (SB10). Follow us on Twitter (@millspringsacad) and Facebook.