Secrets From the Parenting Trenches
Raising two little boys to develop into responsible, generous, and kind young men is a daily work in progress. Let me share some secrets I’ve learned in the past eight years.
by Christa Melnyk Hines
Learn together and take opportunities to explore science, nature, music and art.
Begin and end every day with a hug and a kiss.
Play board games and cards together. Not only will your children learn math and reading skills, they will learn how to win and lose gracefully.
Find a trustworthy, dependable sitter. Breaks are healthy for both you and your children.
If you want an honest opinion, ask your child. Chances are he’ll tell you anyway.
When stuck in an airplane with a toddler in melt-down mode, sometimes the only thing you can do is pretend you don’t know him.
Experiences are more valuable than stuff.
You won’t be the first parent to pick up your wailing child and abandon your shopping cart in the middle of the store.
Nurture your child’s interests, even if they seem a little unusual.
Share your interests with your child.
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