Holiday Calendar

Hanukkah Fun
Hanukkah Story Time. Little Shop of Stories. Listen to stories about the Festival of Lights, menorahs, latkes, dreidels and gelt, plus dreidel games. Dec. 1. 3 p.m. 133 E. Court St., Decatur. 404-373-6300. Free.
Grand Menorah Lighting. Chabad Intown. Grand Menorah lighting and Chanukah celebrations featuring donut decorating, latkes, Judah the Macabee photos, raffles and more. Dec. 1. 4:30 p.m. Yeah Burger. 1017 N. Highland Blvd., Atlanta. Dec 2. 6 p.m. Decatur Square. Church St., Decatur. (Chabad Intown, 404-898-0434). Donations appreciated.
Hanukkah Hootenanny Family Celebration. Marcus JCC Atlanta-Zaban Park. Menorah lighting, songs and a special performance of “Milton the Menorah” by The Bible Players. Dec. 2. 5:15-7 p.m. 5342 Tilly Mill Rd., Dunwoody. 678-812-4161. Free.
Menorah Lighting. Fountains of Olde Town Shopping Center. Atlanta’s tallest menorah is lighted, presented by Chabad of Cobb. Dec. 3. 6:30 p.m. 736 Johnson Ferry Rd., Marietta. 770-565-4412. Free.
Community Hanukkah Celebration. Temple Kol Emeth. Celebrate the last night of Hanukkah with lighting of the menorah, crafts, storytelling and more. Attendees are encouraged to bring gently used or new shoes for local children and adults, as well as a gently used costume for Purim. Dec. 4. 6:45 p.m. 1415 Old Canton Rd., Marietta. 770-973-3533. Free. RSVPs appreciated.
Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins. Marcus JCC Atlanta-Zaban Park. Family musical production about brave Hershel, who rescues Hanukkah from a bank of goblins. Presented by Company J, and recommended for children 3 and older. Dec. 5-8. Show times vary. 5342 Tilly Mill Rd., Dunwoody. 678-812-4002. Adults, $10-15; Children, $10-12.
Meet the Holidays: Hanukkah. The Children’s Museum of Atlanta. Reading of The Runaway Dreidel and a Dreidel game craft. Dec. 14. 12 and 3 p.m.; Dec. 15. 3 p.m. 275 Centennial Olympic Park Dr. NW, Atlanta. 404-659-5437. Included with museum admission. $12.75; ages 11 months and younger, free.
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