Holy Spirit Preparatory School

Phone: 678-761-7992

Holy Spirit Preparatory School is a classical Catholic school serving students 6 months-12th grade. The curriculum combines the best of classical pedagogical traditions in a joyful, engaging, and thoroughly Catholic environment. Through these means, Holy Spirit Prep seeks to enkindle in students the desire to pursue excellence in every endeavor they undertake and provide them with all the tools necessary to lead successful, rewarding lives in a manner consistent with the sublime end for which they have been created: eternal life with God.

This vision deeply informs the curriculum and animates their efforts to help students grow in virtue and to know and love truth, goodness, and beauty, the three divine attributes upon which all authentically classical, Catholic education is grounded. “A saint,” the beloved late Pope Benedict XVI observed, “is one who is so captivated by God’s perfect truth and beauty as to be progressively transformed by it.” HSP strives to provide a learning environment that advances this noble aspiration, so the students are fully prepared to go into the world firm in faith, joyful in hope, and active in charity. Schedule a tour and learn more today. holyspiritprep.org.